What are the common problems of industrial vacuum cleaners?

Industrial vacuum cleaners are often used in warehouses, factories, and workshops, especially when there is a large amount of dust on the ground. Manual cleaning is more troublesome. 

What are the common problems of industrial vacuum cleaners?

Industrial vacuum cleaners can be used to clean up faster and avoid dust. This article sorts out some frequently asked questions about industrial vacuum cleaners. I hope it will help you. 1. Anti-blocking solution

What are industrial vacuum cleaners afraid of?

Vacuum cleaners are afraid of fine dust. The fine dust may be invisible to the eyes. If it is not cleaned for a long time, it will block the filter hole over time. Some customers may think that the power is low and the choice is large. The power may not be possible, but this is not the case. High power can achieve rapid cleaning. The greater the power, the greater the suction power, and the greater the power may cause dust to penetrate the filter system and enter the motor. This is not worth the loss. To solve the problem of clogging is to try to buy a vacuum cleaner with a high-efficiency filter system and frequent cleaning to prevent it.

2. Why does dust come out of the nose?

In general, industrial vacuum cleaners of poor quality will appear after being used for a period of time. This is still related to the filter, which proves that the filter system does not filter cleanly. It originally discharges clean air, which causes internal air and dust to be discharged at the same time. It will cause secondary pollution, so you need to buy an industrial vacuum cleaner with good filtering accuracy when choosing.

3. Is there an industrial vacuum cleaner that automatically cleans the filter?

There is no dust suction industrial vacuum cleaner that can automatically clean the filter element or do not need to remove the head to clean. There are two types of vacuum cleaners on the market that can be cleaned without frequent cleaning. One is the manual vibration dust industrial vacuum cleaner, and the other is the intelligent blowback and pulse blowback industrial vacuum cleaners. , These two kinds of back-blowing are automatic and do not need to artificially remove the dust, which is convenient and quick to avoid clogging.

Publication Date: 27 August, 2020


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